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Google Toolbar for Firefox v.2.1.20060713W
Скачать Google Toolbar for Firefox 2.1.20060713W -
Google Toolbar - утилита от создателей популярной поисковой машины Google, которая добавляет к браузеру Internet Explorer дополнительную панель инструментов, облегчающую поиск в сети Интернет. Функции панели инструментов Google • Блокировка всплывающих окон (блокирует надоедливые всплывающие окна) • Поиск по имени (позволяет Вам перейти на нужную веб-страницу, указав имя вместо URL-адреса) • Поиск Google(поиск Google с любой веб-страницы) ----------------------------------------------------- Google Toolbar for Firefox - take the power of Google with you anywhere on the Web. Google, one of the most powerful search engines of the Internet, has released Google Toolbar for Firefox. Now you can use google to search any web location. Here are some key features of "Google Toolbar for Firefox": · Google Search Keep the power of Google search close at hand. Google Toolbar puts a search box in your browser, making it easier than ever to find anything you want on the Web. · AutoLink The online review of a great new restaurant has the place's address but no map. You could type the restaurant's street, city, and ZIP code into the search box, but why bother, when clicking the Toolbar's AutoLink button will automatically create a link to an online map (US addresses only)? AutoLink can also link package tracking numbers to delivery status, VIN numbers (US) to vehicle history, and publication ISBN numbers to Amazon.com listings. · WordTranslator Ever need to translate words on English web pages into another language? Don't bother looking up words one by one - just hover your mouse cursor over an English word and Toolbar's WordTranslator will tell you what it means in your own language. WordTranslator currently supports translation from English into Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Japanese, Korean, French, Italian, German and Spanish. · Address Bar Browse by Name (Internet Explorer only) Browse by Name helps you find a site even when you don’t know its URL. Just type the site name into your browser address bar, and Toolbar will take you there automatically. For instance, try typing "oxford" into the address bar to go directly to the university's home page at If you type in something that doesn't have an official home page, like "digital cameras," Browse by Name will automatically show you search results for that term · Pop-up Blocker (Internet Explorer only) Lost in a jungle of annoying pop-up ads? Toolbar’s pop-up blocker keeps your screen free and clear. · AutoFill Tired of typing in your address and credit card information every time you shop online? AutoFill makes shopping a breeze by enabling you to fill out web forms with a single click. Just enter your info once in the Toolbar's Options dialog box and you're ready for an online shopping spree. (Note: your credit card info stays password-protected.) · SpellCheck ARe yu a raelly bad tyipsst? Google Toolbar's new SpellCheck button finds any spelling mistakes whenever you type into a web form, including web-based email, discussion forums, and even intranet web applications. The AutoFix option even corrects all of your text with a single click. · PageRank Display Wondering whether a new website is worth your time? Use the Toolbar’s PageRank display to tell you how Google’s algorithms assess the importance of the page you're viewing. · Highlight Search Terms Once you've used the Google Toolbar to find a web page, there’s no need to scroll around looking for your search terms. The Highlight button instantly lights them up on the page, making it easier to find relevant information. · Word Find Buttons Finding a particular word on a web page can be frustrating. With the Google Toolbar however you easily jump to the first instance of a word by typing it into the Toolbar search box, then clicking on the Toolbar's Word Find button to find each additional occurrence of the word. Requirements: · Windows XP/2000 SP3+, Mac OS X 10.2+, or Red Hat Linux 8.0+ · Firefox 1.0+
Другие утилиты, Утилиты, Программы для WindowsGoogle Toolbar for Firefox v.2.1.20060713W, похожие программы. Скачать бесплатно другие утилиты
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