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Cкачать другие версии PECompact
PECompact v.2.78a
Скачать PECompact 2.78a -
Программа для сжатия файлов EXE, DLL, SCR, OCX и т.п с сохранением их полной работоспособности. Используется оригинальный алгоритм сжатия JCALG1, позволяющий значительно уменьшать размер исполняемого файла. Допускается оставлять несжатыми некоторые из компонентов файла - иконки, информация о версии или любые другие выбранные ресурсы. Кроме сжатия, PECompact позволяет оптимизировать структуру файла и тем самым уменьшить его размер без сжатия (опция "Trim Only"). Поддерживаются плагины, в том числе и самостоятельно разработанные. ------------------------------------------------ PECompact is a utility that compresses Windows 9x/NT4/w2k portable executables (EXE, DLL, SCR, OCX, etc..) significantly while leaving them 100% functional. Compress - Protect - Encrypt - Optimize - Customize Compresses tighter than the latest versions of all commercially viable executable compressors. PECompact processed applications occupy less disk space, cost less to distribute, are more fault tolerant, are loaded quicker across networks, decrease network traffic, and are more difficult to reverse- engineer and modify. PECompact works by compressing the code, data, import directory, selected resources, and other portions of Windows portable executables. At runtime, the executable is rebuilt in memory with no noticeable delay; the executable is at no time extracted to disk. In fact, compressed executables can actually load quicker in some cases because there is less data to be retrieved from the disk or network, which is usually the largest bottleneck. Both compression algorithms used by PECompact feature an optimized, 32bit x86 assembly language decompressor for maximum data throughput. This tool is highly configurable and gives the user a great deal of power to select what and how things are compressed. PECompact also has unique plug-in support to allow users to supply their own encryption/decryption procedures or special functionality to compressed executables. For users who prefer not to compress their executables for whatever reason, PECompact also offers a "Trim Only" option that optimizes the executable structure and decreases its size without applying any compression at all! This function can optionally strip relocations from the executable. Here are some key features of "PECompact": · Complete win32 platform support (all variants). · Supports EXE, DLL, SCR, and other PE formats. · Supports software and hardware DEP (Data Execution Protection). · Supports VC++ 7.1 (Visual Studio .NET 2003) SEH protections; currently only win32 packer that properly addresses the issue. · Compressed programs work under WINE (Windows emulator for linux). · Modules compressed with each build are tested in complex load scenarios under all win32 flavors. Our test cases assure proper functioning. Up to date and actively being improved! · Viruses can not hide within compressed modules because major anti-virus softwares support scanning inside the PECompact's modules! · Compressed modules are inherently more difficult to reverse engineer. · PECompact support custom loaders that can be written to provide your own unique protection mechanisms, greatly deterring the creation of automatic unpackers. · Tampering or modification of modules can be detected at runtime. · Plug-ins are available that extend and enhance the protection of your software. These include the FastImport, API Redirect, and IsPacked plug-ins. · A number of plug-in types allow for extreme customization and third-party extensions. For example, plug-ins are included to perform CRC checks, password based encryption, message box runtime confirmations, and compression by a number of different algorithms. And since these plug-ins can be used IN ANY ORDER OR QUANTITY on each and every file, how you use PECompact2 is up to you! · PECompact is superior to its competitors in many ways, many already enumerated above. Most striking is its performance, configurability, compatibility, and stability. When using PECompact you can rest assurred that your application is compressed using an executable compressor that is used on software running on millions of computers worldwide. Our clients include Google, Microsoft, and many others. Limitations: · 7 day trial
Другие утилиты, Утилиты, Программы для WindowsPECompact v.2.78a, похожие программы. Скачать бесплатно другие утилиты
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